Isabela Alicia Oade was a remarkable young angel who only visited this planet for a short while, however, she did more in her 24 years than most people do in a lifetime. She had amazing adventures. She was not afraid of death.
She was a hang glider, a parasailor, and an artist of all varieties. She sewed, she batiked, she crocheted and knitted, and was also a poet, among many other artistic talents. She was always out there helping those less fortunate than she is. She spent her time and energy to help people less fortunate than she was to have a better life. That is what this foundation is all about. I’d like to say. She actually founded this foundation at the moment of her birth.
Although its a beautiful universal truth, that Bella lived by: Compassion, Love, Understanding, Patience, Respect, Caring, and helping those less fortunate.